CReATe Durham Fertility recognizes that every patient has unique needs. Based on our patient-centric approach, our clinic will provide an optimum, transparent, and tailored treatment plan to support your reproductive journey. You may contact the medical experts at any moment of your fertility journey, whether you are just planning your pregnancy or have a few questions about infertility.

CReATe Durham Fertility has a clinical association with CReATe Fertility Centre Toronto, one of Canada’s leading IVF clinics, known for its cutting-edge reproductive genetics research, technology, and treatments. With over three decades of medical expertise, CReATe Fertility Centre Toronto has extensive clinical resources and services to support CReATe Durham Fertility.

CReATe Fertility Toronto offers:

  • A diverse team of reputed medical professionals, including fertility specialists, nurses, andrology experts, cancer specialists, geneticists, psychologists, social workers, and clinical researchers.
  • Comprehensive in-house surgical support, including office hysteroscopy for the identification and excision of polyps, septums, scarring, and fibroids.
  • In-house advanced genetic screening for IVF, including PGT-A (PGS) and PGT-M/PGT-SR (PGD).
  • Latest technology for the best reproductive outcomes, including the embryoscope ® time-lapse system.
  • Program for Cancer Fertility Preservation*
  • Support programs for egg donor *, sperm donor *, and surrogacy *
  • Shared risk guarantee program for egg donation and surrogacy
  • Canada’s most extensive reproductive research programs
  • Detailed ovulation and pregnancy tracking till the conclusion of the first trimester and completion of the obstetrician referral.
  • A global leader in the provision of LGBTQ2+ services
  • Reproductive health care accommodating various religious practices (e.g., Orthodox Judaism IVF Supervision)

  • These specialized programs are the largest in Canada

To address patient care and requirements, CReATe Durham Fertility may refer patients to CReATe Fertility Centre Toronto for clinical support. Both clinics are recognized and approved by Ontario Ministry of Health to provide fertility treatments under Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).