Care during COVID-19

COVID-19 screening and safety measures

During the province-wide state of emergency, CReATe Durham Fertility remains open, with strong screening and safety protocols in place to provide essential fertility treatments.

The health and safety of our patients and staff and everyone’s families are our top priority. Please note some of our safety measures in place:

  • All patients coming into the clinic must complete the self-screen prior to arrival at the clinic. The self-screen must be completed before each visit. You will have additional screening in person when you check in for your appointment, including having your temperature taken when you arrive.
  • Patients come by appointment only, in order to promote social distancing. We ask that only those patients who are undergoing a test or procedure enter the clinic. We kindly ask that you not bring children to the clinic. If your partner is not having a test or procedure and wants to drive you, they will be asked to wait downstairs during your visit.
  • A mask or face-covering is required in our building, and in our clinic, at all times. Cloth or medical masks are also acceptable; however, masks with inhalation valves or vents are not permitted. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you.
  • Whenever possible, medical appointments will be virtual. Please see our guidelines on virtual care. If you have questions, please email .
  • We have reorganized our clinic so that there are fewer chairs in the waiting area. Additionally, all of our chairs are sanitized by our cleaning staff regularly throughout the day, every day. We will be sanitizing high-touch areas in the clinic throughout the day and have extra cleaning measures in place.
  • All staff will wear appropriate PPE during in-person interactions.

Please visit for the most up-to-date information.